Zephyr Vanilla Caramel Whipped Ganache Tartlets

Ganache Preparation:

Hydrate gelatin in cold water.

Heat 52g whipping cream with honey, remove from heat, add gelatin, stir until dissolved.

Pour over melted caramel chocolate in three batches, mixing well.

Stir in remaining cold cream and vanilla seeds. Mix until smooth.

Cover and refrigerate overnight to set.

Shortcrust Pastry:

Combine butter, flour, icing sugar, pecan powder, and salt until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Mix in egg until a dough forms.

Roll out to 2mm thickness, refrigerate overnight.

Cut into circles, line tartlet molds, prick bases, and chill for 45 minutes.

Blind bake at 160°C for 15 minutes, cool, then brush with egg wash.

Pecan Cream:

Cream butter and icing sugar until fluffy.

Add pecan powder and egg, mix until smooth.

Pour into pre-baked tart shells, bake at 160°C for 10-15 minutes until set.

Fondant Vanilla Apples:

Cut apples, cook with vanilla sugar until soft.

Cool and place in tartlets.

Salted Butter Caramel:

Create caramel with powdered sugar.

Heat cream, gradually add to caramel, stirring continuously.

Add butter, stir until smooth. Let cool until malleable.


Whip chilled ganache, pipe onto tartlets.

Pipe salted butter caramel on top.

Decorate with caramelized pecans.

Prep Time: 40 minutes

Cooking Time: 40 minutes

Additional Chilling Time: Overnight

Total Time: ~9 hours

Calories: Approx. 320 kcal per tartlet

Servings: Makes 12 tartlets



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