You Can Eat Papaya Seeds: Here’s Why You Should!

Anti-Parasitic Properties

Papaya seeds have been used in traditional medicine to combat intestinal parasites. They contain a unique alkaloid called carpaine, which can help kill parasites in the digestive tract. If you’re looking for a natural way to support gut health, incorporating a few papaya seeds into your diet might be worth considering.

How to Eat Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds have a slightly peppery, bitter taste, which can take some getting used to. Here are a few easy ways to incorporate them into your meals:

  1. Eat them raw: Start small, with just a few seeds, to get accustomed to the taste.
  2. Blend into smoothies: Add a few seeds to your daily smoothie for a nutrient boost.
  3. Dry and grind them: Once dried, papaya seeds can be ground into a pepper-like seasoning to sprinkle over salads or cooked dishes.

A Word of Caution

While papaya seeds offer numerous health benefits, it’s important to eat them in moderation. Too many seeds at once can cause stomach upset due to their strong compounds. Starting with a small amount (about a teaspoon) is a good way to ease into it.

So, next time you enjoy a papaya, don’t toss the seeds! These tiny treasures can be a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle.



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