Vegan Banana Cream Pie

Warm the microwave to 300 F.

Grease a regular pie plate or line a baking pan with a paper towel. Put aside.

In a high-speed blender, add the oats, almonds, glucose, and sea salt (as long as using), and process or pulse on high while a fine meal is achieved.

Hold the cover, then pour in one-fourth of a cup of heated coconut oil (or more if wanted) according to the original recipe.

To produce a loose dough, pulse or beat on low, scraping down the edges as necessary.

As opposed to the mixture collapsing, you must be able to squeeze it between two fingers to form a dough.

Add just more melted coconut oil if it’s too dry.

Warm the microwave.

Put the mixture into a cooking dish or pie pan; arrange it evenly.

After that, put the paper towel on the base and gently press down with a flat-bottomed object, like a drinking glass, till everything is well packed and equally distributed along the bottom and up the sides.

Roast for fifteen minutes, then raise the temperature to 355 degrees Fahrenheit. and continue baking for a further five to ten minutes till some browning appears on the surface and the edges are golden brown.

Pull off the heat source and leave it to cool.

Meanwhile, make the custard.

In a tiny saucepan, combine the cornstarch, sweeteners, and optional salt. Whisk in the almond milk to prevent clumps.

Place on medium heat, mixing frequently and bubbling.

After that, lower the thermostat to medium-low and cook for a further four to six minutes, scraping the sides and bottom almost frequently with a spatula made of rubber. After it becomes visibly ribbon-like when you sprinkle some over the top with a spatula, turn it from the burner, whisk in the vanilla, and allow it to cool for ten minutes.

Next, move the mixture to a glass or ceramic bowl and ensure that the plastic wrap is in contact with the surface to avoid a film forming on top.

Set aside for two to three hours, so it’s chilled and set.

Line the bottom of the fried crust with sliced bananas, and then cover with the custard-coconut whip combination.

Using a spoon, level the top, wrap it with paper, and let it down for almost a few hours to let it set and get cold.

Serve it and enjoy it.



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