Turkish bread recipe

Beginner’s Note – The liquid is warmed just above tepid in order to activate the granules of active dry yeast. With fresh compressed yeast, the liquid just needs to be at room temperature. With either yeast, however, if the liquid is hot, it will kill the yeast and any chance of the bread rising. You want it to be within a range of about 105-110℉ (40-43℃). But if you don’t have a thermometer, that’s okay. Just dip your finger in, per the recipe. If it’s hotter than warm, just monitor it until it cools back down to a little warmer than tepid.

Tips on Making Bazlama Turkish Flatbread
When I make flatbread, the rounds aren’t as round as Francesco’s. But he says they look and taste great anyway. It’s hard to mess these up. And even if you do… chances are they’ll still be enjoyable to eat. In any case, if you are new to making bread, a few tips can make things easier.

Dough Tips
Tip – Rising & Temperature – Remember that the temperature of the room affects how fast the dough will rise. Warmth speeds it up, cold slows it down. Whether it’s winter or summer and if you have an air conditioner, or the windows open on a scorching hot day, all play a role.
Tip – Dough Handling – To avoid dough sticking to your hands, wetting them before handling the dough can help.
Tip – Elbow Room – Clear a wide workspace for yourself beforehand so that you have plenty of elbow room to roll out the dough, happily.
Tip – Fluffiness – The thicker the rounds of dough, the softer and fluffier the bread. The flatter the dough, the less fluffy the bread. And too thin can make it tough.
Tips – Cleanup – The glu in the word gluten is no coincidence! And this can make cleanup for bread making a challenge. To help make it easier later, a little prevention helps: A light film of oil in the rising bowl leaves less dough to clean off the bowl later. Don’t let dough dry on your utensils: first rub off as much flour as possible with your hands, then put them in cold water to soak.
Skillet Bread Cooking Tips



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