Transforming Orange Peels into Versatile Homemade Cleaners

Save the peels: Collect orange peels in a container and store them in the refrigerator. Approximately 4-6 medium-sized oranges should be enough.

Wash and disinfect: Clean the peels with water and salt to eliminate germs, pesticide residues, and parasites. Cut the peels into strips and place them in the container until it’s halfway full.

Add baking soda and water: Include a teaspoon of baking soda and water in the container, leaving room for fermentation.

Infuse the solution: Let the orange peels steep for at least a week to enhance the cleaning solution’s fragrance. Remember to open the container daily to release gases.

Filter and utilize: After a week, filter the liquid into a spray bottle or container. This citrus detergent, enriched with citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, can be used to clean various surfaces, from dishes to floors.

By embracing this simple DIY method, you not only minimize waste but also contribute to a healthier, eco-conscious lifestyle. It’s a win-win situation for your wallet and the environment! So, next time you enjoy a juicy orange, don’t forget about the incredible potential that its peels have to offer.



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