This Is How I Store Lemons for 1 YEAR! It’s Even More Delicious Than Fresh!

2. Salt the Lemons:

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of coarse sea salt into the cuts of each lemon.
  • Pack the lemons tightly into the glass jars, adding more salt between the layers. The salt helps to draw out the juice and preserve the lemons.

3. Press and Seal:

  • Press the lemons down firmly to release their juices. The lemons should be submerged in their own juice. If needed, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to cover them completely.
  • Seal the jars tightly and leave them at room temperature for a couple of days. Shake the jars gently every day to redistribute the salt and juice.

4. Store in the Refrigerator:

  • After a few days at room temperature, move the jars to the refrigerator. The lemons will continue to soften and develop their flavor over time. They are typically ready to use after about a month but can be stored for up to a year.

5. Optional Olive Oil Layer:

  • For an added touch, you can pour a thin layer of olive oil on top of the lemons before sealing the jars. This helps to keep air out and adds a rich flavor.

Using Preserved Lemons

Preserved lemons are incredibly versatile. You can:

  • Add to Salads: Chop them finely and add to salads for a burst of flavor.
  • Enhance Sauces: Stir them into sauces and stews for a tangy kick.
  • Marinate Meats: Use the preserved lemon peel to marinate chicken, fish, or lamb.


Storing lemons by preserving them in salt is a fantastic way to ensure you have this bright, tangy fruit available all year round. The process is simple and the results are not only practical but also delicious. Once you start using preserved lemons in your recipes, you’ll wonder how you ever cooked without them. Enjoy the enhanced flavor and versatility of preserved lemons in your kitchen!



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