Parents Stumped by Bizarre Homework Math Questions

Kindergarten School Work


A parent couldn’t guess a three-letter word for a picture of a rabbit and bunnies. Reddit suggested “pet,” noting worksheets can be tricky by changing letter sounds.

Grade 3 Math Problem


A third grader faced a question: “Janell had 15 marbles. She lost some. How many now?” Responses varied, some humorous like “Janell lost her marbles.”

six-year-old’s Homework


One parent couldn’t understand a homework question about covering apples with a paint splatter. Reddit users were equally confused, suggesting it might be a riddle.

Grade 1 Math



A complex Singaporean math problem for first graders was shared on Twitter. One user solved it but altered the question slightly.

Another Math Problem


A Twitter post showed a confusing perimeter calculation problem. A sarcastic response implied it was too difficult for a ten-year-old.

Solving for X


A math problem about Beethoven’s 9th Symphony’s performance time stumped Twitter. A user noted that the speed isn’t related to the number of musicians, making the math irrelevant.




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