Ginger water, a delicious drink to help lose fat around your waist, thighs and relieve joint pain

But ginger is also recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties
Indeed, a study by RMG Biosciences highlighted the quality of ginger as a remedy against chronic inflammation, thanks to its anti-inflammatory constituents and which could even be placed at the same level as the pharmacological properties of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As a result, the gingerols, shogaols and paradols it contains help reduce pain due to arthritis in humans.

Ginger also helps to lose belly fat
Another particularity of ginger is to maintain a healthy weight and lose belly fat. Indeed, in a study published in the Journal of Science and Food of Agriculture, it was shown that overweight rats recorded weight loss over a period of 30 days by administering gingerol to them. According to the researchers, this addition of gingerol as a supplement could be a significant alternative for the treatment of obesity.

In the same context, another study demonstrated the action of ginger supplementation in rats as a weight loss medication, while leading to an improvement in the level of good HDL cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, ginger increases the feeling of satiety and therefore reduces hunger and allows good weight management. It also has a thermogenic effect to stimulate the metabolism and burn calories.

How to prepare ginger water?

A few slices of fresh organic ginger root
1.5 liters of water
Juice of one lemon (optional)
Boil the water and add the ginger slices. Leave on the heat for 15 minutes then remove from the heat and let cool. You can add lemon juice if you wish.

Drink this water 3 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and before dinner. This treatment should not exceed 10 days.


Ginger is not recommended for pregnant women, especially after the first trimester of pregnancy.
It is not recommended for people suffering from blood diseases because of its anticoagulant effect and for diabetics and frail people.
It is essential to seek advice from your doctor before starting a treatment or diet



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