Getting rid of dental plaque: 6 natural methods

Plaque removal is important to keep your teeth healthy. Plaque causes a buildup of tartar on your teeth. It can lead to cavities, gingivitis, and other dental problems.

You can remove plaque by taking care of your teeth at home, including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. When plaque hardens into tartar buildup, it can only be removed by a dentist.

This article discusses the symptoms and causes of plaque and tartar. It also covers ways to remove plaque and how to prevent it from becoming tartar buildup.
What Is Plaque?
Plaque is a kind of sticky film found on the teeth. It forms when the bacteria in the mouth is mixed with sugary or starchy food and drinks. The bacteria in the mouth, acids, and carbohydrates from food or drinks mix together and form into this colorless substance.

Plaque has to be removed regularly or it can harden into tartar and lead to dental complications. Some types of plaque can cause cavities while other types of plaque affect the gums.1

Symptoms of Plaque Buildup
The symptoms of plaque include:2

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