Custard Cream Donuts (Vanilla & Chocolate)

For Coating:

Granulated sugar
Cocoa powder

1. Vanilla Custard Cream:

Whisk egg yolks and cane sugar until pale.
Sift cake flour into the mixture, mix until smooth.
Heat milk with vanilla bean until steaming.
Gradually add hot milk to egg mixture while whisking.
Return mixture to the saucepan, cook until thickened.
Remove from heat, let cool, then chill.
2. Chocolate Custard Cream:

Follow the same process as vanilla custard, but add sweet chocolate to hot milk and whisk until melted.
3. Donuts:

In a bowl, mix bread flour, cake flour, granulated sugar, salt, and yeast.
Add eggs and milk mixture, knead until smooth.
Add butter, knead until dough is elastic.
Let dough rise until doubled in size.
Roll out dough, cut into rounds, let rise again.
Fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Drain on paper towels.
4. Assembly:

Fill a piping bag with custard creams.
Pipe custard into the center of each donut.
Roll in granulated sugar or cocoa powder for coating.
Enjoy your delicious homemade custard cream donuts! 🍩



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