City Chicken

City chicken might not taste exactly like a country-fried chicken, but trust me, it’s just as addictive.

Ever heard of city chicken? If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat.

Don’t be fooled by its name! While they look a little bit similar, city chicken and fried chicken are nowhere near the same.

But don’t worry, city chicken is equally delicious and impossible to resist.

Dying to find out what this dish truly is? Let’s begin!

City Chicken
Contrary to its name, city chicken is a dish made of battered and deep-fried pork cutlets.

A Polish-American recipe that originated in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, this dish goes all the way back to the Depression Era.

What Exactly Is City Chicken?
Also called mock chicken, city chicken does not contain an ounce of chicken in it. Instead, it’s a battered deep-fried dish made of… wait for it… pork.

Cubes of pork are threaded into skewers, seasoned, dredged in eggs and bread crumbs, flash-fried, and baked.

The result is a beautifully golden treat that, if you maybe squint your eyes, looks somewhat like a fried chicken leg.

Continued on the next page



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