A Stranger’s Note on My Husband’s Car Made Me Call My Lawyer

“We need like sixty cookies, Mom.” I left the kids and drove to the grocery store to get everything for the cookies that we needed to bake. “Can I help you, ma’am?” a young woman asked me as I walked up and down the baking aisle. She tied the grocery store’s apron tightly onto her. “No, thank you,” I said absentmindedly. “I’m just browsing.”But my mind just couldn’t stay focused at all. What was Thomas playing at? I filled up the cart as I went up and down the aisle, getting enough ingredients for everything we needed, and then paid. Then, I decided to call Thomas to check-in. “Hi, honey,” I said the moment he picked up. “Hey, Sierra,” he said. “Are you okay? I’m just getting into a meeting now. I’ll speak to you later.” And he cut the call. “What on earth is going on?”

I said aloud as I picked up gummy worms for Jake, my son. Later, I picked up the kids and made toasted sandwiches while Natasha and I baked for her class. “Is everything okay, Mom?” Natasha asked, mixing in the chocolate chips. “You’re not helping Jake with homework.” “Everything is fine,” I said, turning my focus back to my children.But still, my mind raced and I couldn’t shut it off.



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