A delicious homemade dessert in just 5 minutes, no cooking required!

In a bowl, beat 2 egg yolks with 30 g of caster sugar and 25 g of cornstarch.

Slowly add the hot milk to the egg mixture, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from cooking.

Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Let the cream cool.

Add the juice of one lemon (about 30 ml) and 70 g of condensed milk to the cooled cream. Beat until well combined.

Assembly and decoration:

Pour the cream onto the biscuit base in the molds.

Sprinkle with cinnamon, cocoa and grated chocolate.

Place the molds in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to allow the dessert to cool and set.

Final tips

Flavor Varieties: You can experiment with different types of cookies and juices to vary the flavor of your dessert base.



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