My Husband’s Coworker Called Him Her Work Husband and Humiliated Me – When She Showed Me His Note, I Gasped

When Emma’s husband’s coworker goes out of her way to make Alex feel seen by her, Emma starts to question Lisa’s intentions. Things get strange when gifts start popping up, and even worse when Lisa makes Alex homemade meals. But the final straw is when Lisa taunts Emma, hinting at an affair between her and Alex.

My husband, Alex, and I have been married for ten years, and during this time, we’ve built a strong, loving relationship.

He works as a project manager at a large tech company, and it comes with long hours.

“I’m sorry,” he said one evening when we were having dinner well after 10 p.m. “I know that my hours are getting insane. But we’re just working on the launch of something new, Emma. We’ll be done soon and I’ll be back to normal hours.”

“It’s fine,” I replied. “Just eat before we have to reheat dinner once again.”

Despite the long hours, I always trusted my husband completely. Although, recently, that trust has been tested by one of Alex’s coworkers, Lisa.

“Are you threatened in any way by this woman?” my mother asked when I told her that I wasn’t comfortable with Lisa.

“Yes. No. I don’t know,” I said. “She’s just too much. She does a lot of questionable things. And I don’t know what her intentions are.”




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