Apple Pie

Indulge in the timeless delight of apple pie, a dessert cherished for its harmonious blend of sweet apples, aromatic spices, and flaky crust. In this article, we introduce a recipe for an apple pie that guarantees to tantalize your taste buds with its effortless yet delightful flavors. Whether you’re an experienced baker or just beginning your culinary journey, this recipe is bound to captivate the hearts of your loved ones. Join us as we embark on a culinary adventure, uncovering the meticulous steps to craft a mouthwatering apple pie that promises to leave a lasting impression.

3 Apples (700g): The cornerstone of our apple pie, these fruits are the epitome of natural sweetness and tender texture, especially when baked to perfection. Opt for varieties like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp, known for their firmness and slight tartness, which beautifully balance the pie’s flavor profile.
3 Large Eggs: Integral to the pie crust, eggs act as the glue that binds the ingredients together, ensuring a cohesive and robust base for the luscious filling.
180ml Milk: Adding moisture and richness, milk plays a crucial role in both the crust and filling. Its creamy texture contributes to the pie’s velvety custard-like consistency when combined with eggs.
150g Sugar: A vital sweetener, sugar harmonizes the flavors of the filling, enhancing the natural sweetness of the apples. Adjust the quantity to suit your taste preferences and the apples’ inherent sweetness.
A Pinch of Salt: As a flavor enhancer, salt is the unsung hero in balancing the sweetness of the pie, elevating its taste complexity and providing depth to each bite.
300g Flour: Serving as the foundation of the pie crust, flour offers structure and stability. Opt for all-purpose flour to achieve a versatile and flaky crust that complements the apple filling exquisitely.
80g Melted Butter: Infusing richness and a buttery aroma, melted butter lends a golden hue and irresistible flavor to the crust, enhancing its overall appeal.
10g Baking Powder: Responsible for the pie crust’s airy and tender texture, baking powder ensures a delightful melt-in-your-mouth experience with every forkful.
Continued on next page (page 2)



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